The report, ‘Arriving at Thriving’ published by The Higher Education Commission is the most comprehensive to date, making clear recommendations for Universities.

  • A senior leader must take responsibility
  • Conduct a review of access to learning
  • Provide training for staff
  • Monitor and reduce the administrative burden
  • Revise criteria for hardship grants
  • Provide funding to student unions specifically for access
  • Make accommodation affordable
  • Include disability section in National Student Survey

There are new legal requirements which are particularly relevant now that teaching is being delivered exclusively via Moodle.

The 90% increase in disabled students within the last decade illustrates the importance of making this a proactive effort.

Learning should be unified and well-structured. Implementing Universal Design Learning principles and adhering to the WCAG guidelines

📌 Resources

Cripping Pandemic Learning in Higher Education Collaborative Resource Document

Digital Accessibility Maturity Model 1



Disabled Students Comission
